The original plan had been to drive from our home in Sonoma County, down the valley to Bakersfield and up the hill to Tehachapi. However, I fell upon a post saying Sonora Pass had just opened for the season. With that, I cancelled our hotel in Tehachapi, and we instead drove straight from our home in Sonoma County to Mammoth Lakes, skipping hours of mindless driving along I-5.
We only stopped for gas and a quick stretch at Donnell Vista, pictured below. The vacation doesn't start until we hit the East Side of the Sierras, so let's get moving.
A few shots from the view point and Sonora Pass, which is the second highest highway pass in the state at 9,600'.

We channeled our desert spirit guides, pointed the rental car towards the east and hit the gas pedal. Death Valley awaits!
We opted for going the eastern route and then returning to Mammoth in a few days via Hwy 395. The alternate route took us out Hwy 6 through Benton and Montgomery Pass just over the CA / NV border along the most northern section of the White Mountain Range. It's the same range that's known for its ancient bristle cone pine forest (still haven't been there!).
Montgomery Pass had its heydays back in the late 50s through 60s and was known for its hotels and casino, all of which are long abandoned and/or burned down. Worth the stop.

The building featured below is the old train depot, once converted into a casino, and now fitted with a modern roof to keep it in an arrested state of disrepair. It's a bummer they've had to fit a fence around it. Seeing more of that than I used to as we travel around the rural west. Take that as you will.

Oh my, it sure is looking HAZY down there in Bad Water. Haze is common in the middle of the day and doesn't always spell doom. Thankfully I'd soon find that my concerns were mostly misplaced.

Looking south from Zabriskie Point
I shared a few of the shots from this moment with a friend, and he rightly suggested "tighter crops", capturing more landscape details, really pouring the artsy heart into it. Well yeah, I agree! That'd been great, but with mere frantic moments spent realizing we'd shown up to the party right as it was winding down, there wasn't much more I could do. Still, he wasn't wrong.
(it all sorta worked out)

I stood there in silence for a few moments, checking-in with myself. Was I up for the drive to Dante's View? Twilight was here and should stick around for another hour-ish, maybe. Thinking ahead at the short amount of time we'd have at Death Valley, it really was a case of "now or never bozo," so off we went!

Looking across the badlands of Death Valley from atop Dante's View
Looking down from Dante's View with a prominence of approximately 5800'. Below is Bad Water Basin at -282 feet. I've seen some awesome shots here at sunrise, but that'll have to wait for another time. One of the photographers I follow, Thomas Heaton, got very lucky on his visit to this spot six years prior.

This was my fourth visit to Death Valley, and the first time I'd embarked on a hike here. Back in '09, my buddy Russell and I had a surreal sunset walk on The Racetrack dry lake bed, but that was the flattest place I've ever walked and can't be considered a hike. My feet, my rules.
Alarms buzzing at 5:30 AM, we hopped into our clothes, grabbed the packs and water we'd prepared the night before and headed off to the Golden Canyon to Gower Gulch loop trailhead. It's Death Valley, and did you know it's coolest early mornings? Of course you did, and I thought that everyone else would have gotten that message too. However, when we pulled up to the trailhead lot we discovered that were the first to arrive. I was truly dumbfounded. Pleased, but surprised!

Logan, her breakfast egg and the empty trailhead parking lot

First light hitting the canyon walls
Ah, some real light! The sun was making itself known, but it'd still be another 45-minutes before we'd feel its rays on our heads.

Our first clear view of the steep trail winding up the face of Manly Beacon. If you click the image to enlarge it, you'll see a few hikers heading our way. They must have started from the Zabriskie Point trailhead.

Manly Beacon, once we had crossed over to the northwestern flank

Few places to hide from the sun from here on out

Gower Gulch

Geeked out

Logan emerging from the shade with my shadow capturing the moment from above

The last section of trail runs along the valley floor, all while the temps start to ramp up
Fed, rested and ready for more, Logan and I hop back into the CX-50 and make up north towards Scotty's Castle (still closed), and then west out to one of our favorite natural features in the park.
The cherry on top was that once again, we were the only people on the trail. The vast majority of people come to the parking lot, walk a few feet to the viewing area, snap a few pics and leave. No complaints here. I was that person on my previous visits.

Here's the big Ubehebe Crater. Half a mile across and 500-700 feet deep depending on which part of the rim you're measuring from

Midday Moonscape at Little Ubehebe Crater

Motorcyclists ride through the volcanic fields north of Ubehebe

That's me, thanks for the pic, babe!

Taking a few minutes to chill out before heading south

Hard light, hot air - Titus Canyon


Moon Rise

Road to Bad Water

Artist Palette
We follow Ghost Town Living on YouTube, where a fellow named Brant and his business partner purchased the abandoned Union Mine and Cerro Gordo ghost town. They're building a hotel up there, and we'd love to come back and stay in a year or two. We still got a little excited driving by the road that heads up to the town, which is long and rather gnarly from what I've heard. Still gets the imagination roaring.

The long and winding road making its way up towards Cerro Gordo

Cerro Gordo Road at Hwy 136 in Keeler, CA

Mt. Whitney (and others), Alabama Hills from Hwy 136 nearing Hwy 395
I've found the best way to get up early, even after a poor night's sleep is to just get out of bed when the alarm goes off. Don't hesitate. For every moment you lie there and think about, the more likely you'll bail on the plan. It's only photography after all. The "old me" (wiser me?) would gladly have gone back to bed and sulked about the missed opportunity over breakfast.

Hot Creek at 6:06 AM

Geothermal stuff with the Owens River in the midground

Still waking up

Being late May, the park still closes early at 4 PM. So much for peak light. Oh, and no clouds either. Most of the snow had melted off the hills as well. This wasn't going to be the best conditions for photography, but on the plus side the temperature was nearly perfect, the sun didn't feel that hot, and yes, the crowds must have been hanging out at some other ghost town.
Being I had nothing to lose, I slapped on a 10-stop ND filter, a polarizer and my funky third-party manual focus Mitakon 65mm f/1.4, which on the medium format GFX100S works out to being a 35mm equivalent of around a 50mm f/1.0 lens. Holy shallow depth of field Batman.

Another quick stop to check out the happenings at Virginia Lakes. It appeared the road had only been cleared of snow, and there wasn't much going on. The lake was still half frozen, a cool wind was blowing from the high peaks. A bald eagle flew by.

This time of year, sunset and good light takes its sweet time to rear its head. The "problem" with light and Mono Lake is that there's a wall of mountains just to the west that blocks the sun way before you'd expect sunset to happen. You get a very long twilight and sometimes magic happens. For the most part Mono Lake is a location that best rewards early risers. Tried that once, 14-years ago. Camped along the shores in 4 degree F (-15 C) temps only to wake up late and miss sunrise. Doh.
On this trip, the main draw with our Mono Lake visit was to have it be a backdrop to our "dinner out in the bush".
To better understand my feelings about shooting Mono Lake (especially the tufa), see my notes above on shooting Zabriskie Point. Perhaps it's my portrait photographer leanings coming into play, but there's not a Mono Lake photo swimming around in my head that I feel I need to capture. In person, it's a wanderer's playground. It's unique, and I love the smells, the volcanic cones found all around the area, and it's easy, rewarding walking. Find a point on the horizon and start moving your feet in that direction.

A different type of tufa at Mono Lake

Vernal pool with volcanic cones in the background

Lots of interesting, dead brush along the southern shore
The lake was whitecapped, so I popped-on the ND filter and shot off a few long exposures. Logan walked into this frame by accident, so I moved the tripod mid-shot and created this frame by mistake. I dig it.

Logan had been here before, more than 25-years ago when we drove out and camped with a small group of close friends.

Logan and I at Berlin, NV 1998 (thanks for the photo, Paul!)

Nothing special about the photo, but the views were worth the climb

Raining Light

The Dusty Road

Welp... no star gazing tonight

Haters will claim this photo is doctored

Sun setting behind the mountain and below the clouds

Logan watches the light as I snap the final evening pic of the trip
Back on the road, with the car headed west by 8 AM. One last photo as we left Bodie, looking back at the town site perched on its lonely hillside.